Ocean Mist

Issues and trends shaping our environment, health and economy

14 Nov 2015

War, terrorism and sustainability

Posted by Michael Keating

In the sustainability movement we tend to focus on the three pillars: environment, economy and social. The attacks yesterday in France should remind us there is more to a sustainable world. Nearly 30 years ago The Brundtland Report warned that the threat of nuclear war and the arms race made it more difficult to have a sustainable world. Today, nuclear war seems less likely, but we have regional conflicts, and have had terrorist attacks in countries around the world, including France, Britain, Spain, the United States, Canada and a number of countries in Africa and the Middle East. War and terrorism pre-empt attention and resources from efforts to develop economies and build a more sustainable world. We need to treat ongoing wars in the worldl and terrorism as great threats to a sustainable future.

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